Kids World
“Enrichment beyond the classroom”
Ph: 229-246-4098 Fx: 229-515-3094
Please read important disclosures below.
Day Care
6 Weeks to 1 year - Not Walking
After School
Day Care
4 Years, In School-12 Years
Day Care
1 Year Walking to 2 Years Old
Pre-School Day Care
3 Years - 4 Years , Not In School
Evening and Night Care
All Ages
Day Care Full Time, School Out
Drop-In Care
If Spots are Available
Part-Time Care
Late Payment
Return Check
Payments can also be made via Cash App $kidsworld
There is a registration fee of $65 due once the director has assigned a start date. This is a one-time nonrefundable charge. If a child is withdrawn then re-enrolls at a later time, an enrollment fee will be expected. Tuition amounts are different depending on the age of the child. A service fee of $30 will be charged for any returned checks.
Payments are due the 1st and 15th of each month.Payments are considered late after the 2nd and the 17th.Tuition x 51 weeks ÷ 24 pay periods = Rate due
Payments are due by 6pm every Monday and considered late by 6pm Tuesday.Tuition is based on 52 weeks.
A $30 fee is charged for late tuition payment. This late fee will be applied for every week thereafter until the tuition is paid in full.
Absences are expected due to illness, family emergencies, doctor visits, hospitalizations, vacations, or any other reason. After a child has been enrolled for one full calendar year, the parents will receive a week of free tuition.
Absence does not constitute non payment or reduced payment. Tuition is still due if a child is absent.
Parents who receive child care assistance must pay the full regular tuition rate (by cash, check, or money order) until the authorizing paperwork is complete and delivered to us. Upon our receipt of the completed paperwork, you will be reimbursed whatever you have paid with the exception of you co-pay. You are responsible to directly us your co-pay. Rates may vary according the the agency. If the agency billing lapses, it is your responsibility to pay the full tuition amount until the agency notifies us otherwise.
A two week notice is required before withdrawing a child from our center. Accounts must be paid in full before withdrawing—including your child’s tuition for that two week period. Any accounts past due at the time of un-enrollment will be sent to a collection agency.